Radio Shows/ Podcasts - The Arts Show

Every Tuesday at 11am (GMT) I host The Arts Show on Insanity Radio.

(and sometimes I will have slots at other times/days too)

You can tune in on 103.2FM if you are in the Egham/Staines area, or online at

The recordings of all the shows can be found here:

The coming weeks I will have some really good artists and interesting people to discuss arts topics:


Tuesday 10th March 11am - (no show due to student union elections which end March 13th)

Tuesday 17th March 11am - The Petals -live set and interview

Thursday 26th March 8pm - Room 6 - live set and interview

Friday 27th March 12noon - Cardboard City - interview


(Last shows before summer holidays)

Tuesday 28th April 11am - New Norwegian Music

Monday 4th May 5pm - Two hour Scandinavian Music & Art Special

Tuesday 5th May  - George Thomson - live set and interview

Film round-up

Essential Summer Festival Mix

Art Gallery / Exhibition reviews

A big interview (OB)

Trad folk music

Yet to be confirmed:

Jazz Special - the new jazz artists of 2015
Scottish Folk Music Special - how traditional music is being brought into the 21st century
Art, Design & it's role in the UK General Election
Obscure South American Music with Ben Norton
Royal Holloway Art Society - Local Art Projects & Art Exhibtions
Ruby Rae - live set and interview
Royal Holloway Drama Society - Street theatre & new forms of theatre
Royal Holloway Film Festival Society - film aesthetics - latest quality film & indie film
Royal Holloway Dance Society - dance as art
Royal Holloway Feminist Society on art activism 
LGBT & Art - Dominic Miller, Vincent Busselot, Jack Kilker & H
Charlie Jackson - live set and interview
Jake Mills Band - live set and interview
Rose Walker on art & journalism (feat. feminism)
Royal Holloway Nordic Society - Nordic Music & The Scandinavian Languages
Royal Holloway Italian Society - New Italian Music + Old favourites
" French Soc
" Spanish Soc
" German Soc
Interviews with artists with exhibitions in London (recordings. not live.)

Looking for:

Knitting people?
Opera singers
Film Studies students
Circus performers?
Drama students
Music students - especially people doing weird/wonderful dissertations!
Student journalists
Art activists?
Anyone doing cool arts related projects in the London/Surrey area

NEW MUSIC - SUGGESTIONS NEEDED! (especially local bands!)


Heart It


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