January so far

Despite January usually being a rather glum and gloomy time of year, my January so far has felt really productive. Here are a few of the things I've been up to:

A 4.5 hour long salsa class

Clothes repairs / sewing (want to start doing more artistic embroidery)

Read 'Trains & Lovers' by Alexander McCall Smith

Got a few new things from Depop - including skirts

Made a stir fry

Started therapy

1 second everyday app (filming one second of every day of January)

Got into flossing my teeth every night

Got a £100 coat for £35 in the sale

Did a little clear-out and took stuff to the charity shop

Got back into studying for my Masters degree

Started a pilates class

Went to a talk from the Exec Producer of BBC's Blue Planet

Got an offer for a job in Brussels, Belgium. (The Media Unit of the European Parliament!) Starting in March.

Went to Hit The Ground Running TV Training which was really good!


Still want to start a sketchbook.

Heart It


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