I am now free (ish).
Tomorrow (well, technically today, as I am up so late) I will help out with a film, and then go Tower Bridge in London to drink prosecco (feels appropriate given the 'bridging' point in my life right now).
On Friday I am going to Germany, and will return on Tuesday early morning.
May (the rest of)
Germany (Hamburg and Gottingen)
(paid) Film Work (!)
Will Self and Slavoj Zizek talk
Brighton Ricochet TV tour day
Love Productions TV talk at Senate House
Possibly art house film about Lebanon & another one at Tate Britain about housing
London - meet old friends
Harry Potter World? / The Harry Potter exhibition @ The British Library
Park Run Richmond
Radio Times talk
Mark Kermode talk
Club night (s) in London
London - Art galleries and films etc
Oxford / Cambridge trip???
Possibly LOOP film festival Barcelona??
Whisper Films Interning (Kew)
Possibly boat party?
ITV Tour
Make art
Summer Ball
Possibly boat party?
Ben Kingsley talk
Leave London
Back to Edinburgh
Election (possibly film work)
Sheffield Documentary Festival
Edinburgh Blogger Conference
Edinburgh Film Festival
Take One Action - portable cinema - 'Wee Green Cinema' (Scotland)
Portuguese film festival "FEST"?
Possibly Thailand/Vietnam?
Graduation and degree show in London
Lebanon? (I wish)
Take One Action - portable cinema - 'Wee Green Cinema' (Scotland) - Volunteering
My birthday
Edinburgh Festival
Take One Action - portable cinema - 'Wee Green Cinema' (Scotland) - Volunteering
Budapest? Euro trip?
Possibly Edinburgh TV Festival?
Take One Action Film Festival in Edinburgh
Start a distance learning Journalism NCTJ course
Mid September - London? Edinburgh? Glasgow? Bristol? Berlin? France? Italy? Literally no idea.
Any ideas, from next Tuesday onward, welcome.
It is good to plan ahead of time and follow your plans. In this way you will have motivation to do something and look forward to something.