Today I went to The Lighthouse bookshop in Edinburgh for the first time, and I honestly can't believe I haven't been before. It is all the things I love: quirky, booky, and activist-y. Even the book sections were titled in the most wonderful way. For example (as you can maybe just about make out below), one section was "Music, Films, Tattoos"...fantastic.
The Lighthouse used to be Word Power Books, but shut down / changed hands, and has basically been revived in a slightly different form.
I would highly recommend this to anybody coming to Edinburgh for the festival/fringe in the next weeks, especially if you are the lefty arty type, or interested in finding cute little independent book shops.
They unfortunately don't have a café, but the most wonderful thing happened, which almost sums up how great this place is: I was just browsing away, and one of the people who worked there just asked to the room at large "anyone fancy a cuppa tea?" - as if it were her livingroom or something. It was magical. I was so taken aback that I just smiled and shook my head, but I definitely would take her up on that if the same scenario were to arise again.
They are on Twitter as @lighthousebks and I really enjoy their tweets too.
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