At the moment I am into a few things, and I thought I would share them.
I haven't really worn earrings everyday since I was at school (so, like, 7 years?!), but recently got back into it.
I especially like wearing small pearls, or these cool gold circle ones which Anna from The Anna Edit recommended which are from H&M.
I also just bought these epic big dangle-y half circle ones which I am still unsure if I can pull off.
Garden stuff / Plants.
I love that my parents made a little vegetable patch this summer, and I have been watching Gardener's World quite a bit. (Don't judge me) There was one episode which featured the Incredible Aqua Garden and I was genuinely so impressed with what they do there.
I want to get myself a plant for my room, but it's tricky when my working/living situation is so unpredictable at the moment, and I don't necessarily know where I will be in the next while. Plus putting a plant in my room is like admitting to myself that I am actually living at home. Anyway, hopefully living here is just temporary, and in the mean-time I will enjoy the food, tea, family chat and the roof over my head.
In my parents' small vegetable patch this year, we had a very successful harvest of peas. However, our carrot crop produced one tiny (very cute) carrot. My mum used it in a soup. It was about an inch long and so adorable that I had to photograph it.
I also took pictures of the cornflowers in the garden. I think they may be my new favourite flowers.
My friend Zoe lent me Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury and I am LOVING it.
Also reading: Swing Time by Zadie Smith & Utopia for Realists by Rutger Bregman
(Which reminds me - I still have a bunch of reviews from talks at the Edinburgh book festival which I will try to write up on here soon)
The Vitamin E range at Superdrug is really fantastic, and especially since it is so cheap. I recently re-purchased the Vitamin E day cream with SPF (because it's the best), and today I impulse bought the Vitamin E Leave On Moisture Mask. I have only used it this evening but I already absolutely love it.
Thinking of placing a The Ordinary order soon too (I am keen to try Buffet and get more Retinoid).
Both the series and, like, the real life ones.
Also re-watching the series has made me realise even more how deeply awful Ross is.
Like, I knew he was annoying at the time, but after a bunch of gender studies courses and a load of real life romantic relationships + life experience just makes me see he is even more awful. (Seriously, have a re-watch. He is ridiculous.)
The real life non-series friends are a little more elusive.
I have managed to get out the house a bit (?!) but I still am rather limited socially at the moment because A) I live with my parents, B) my parents have moved outside the city so it is a bit of a trek to get into town and C) I am working alot, and often work best in the evenings (when normal people want to socialise).
It's pretty strange. I find myself cutting myself off a bit, and I know this is a bad habit that I need to break. I am going to make a proper effort to keep in touch with people (starting this week), reaching out to friends, and arranging to meet up with them (even if they are friends from a long time ago). Basically, I have been absolutely rubbish and only really replying to work emails and liking the odd photo on Instagram. If you are my pal and reading this: I am sorry - I will try to get a bit better at the whole keeping in touch / replying thing. I value you all a great deal and need to show it a bit more.
As usual, I am obsessed. Even more so as Winter approaches.
My sister put it as "you are pure downing candles at the moment" (as in, what you do with drinks on a big night out). That pretty much sums it up. Favourites are the medium size IKEA ones in the red berry flavour and vanilla. I have already finished them so am now onto some slightly less appealing peach ones. Looking to get the winter-y/Christmas smelling ones out at the end of October. (That's acceptable right?)
I'm quite enjoying being in control of my own time, doing various projects at once, and having very beautifully colour-coded Excel sheets of expenses / taxes / invoices etc.
It suits my lifestyle at the moment, and makes me feel like a bit of a boss woman.
My new strawberry mouse.
I got this in the Urban Outfitters sale and do not regret it one bit.
Summerhall in Edinburgh.
It's a lovely arts space and I love the cafe for working in.
Positive News.
It's nice especially now when everything feels a bit mad.
Gorgeous templates. A bit annoying that they are not free though. Going to try to improve my HTML skills so that I can make something similar, but if I can't, I may just bite the bullet and get one. (I am hoping to make my professional stuff separate from this blog. A little.)
The Little Black Book / Women Who.
This is amazing. You need to read this. Plus it looks cute on my desk.
The author Otegha Uwagba is just fantastic.
Glossier coming to the UK.
I have been waiting for this for years. I think it must be around 3(?) years since I have been desperate to try Glossier products, ever since Christine reviewed them. I had even looked into getting a US forwarding address to forward the packages on to me, but I did manage to stop myself (the costs were a bit ridiculous). I have known for a while (since before Summer I think) that Glossier would ship to the UK in Autumn 2017, and have literally had it written in my diary for most of the year so far.
The price-point of the products in £GBP made me realise how ridiculously expensive most of the products are (somehow seeing dollars prices on the screen felt like pretend money, and I didn't really process it properly even after converting the prices). Having watched/read about 100000 reviews, I already knew EXACTLY what I wanted, and the quality/value of the products. So when I saw the pounds prices I was able to have a better idea of which products were value for money / worth it.
My order should be arriving in the next few days (although I am aware that they have been a little slow with delivery recently due to being snowed under with orders). I am pathetically excited for it.
I will be doing a review on here - as soon as I have tried the products out myself.
In case you were interested, the products I was keen on (pre-price-viewing) were: milky jelly cleanser, both masks (galaxy greens & moisturising moon), balmdotcom, super bounce, priming moisturiser rich, haloscope, perfecting skin tint, cloud paint, stretch concealer and the glossier jumper. I felt that the masks, haloscope and super bounce in particular were over-priced. Especially when The Ordinary do something which has been reviewed as being both cheaper, better and more product in the bottle than super bounce (which I already have).
In the end I went for the balmdotcom set of three, cloud paint and stretch concealer.
YouTube reviews that I enjoyed are here and here.
Lofree Keyboards.
I want one.
I emailed them however, and they are not doing the coloured keypads at the moment and the prices are mad. Plus they are US based so international shipping etc etc etc
Hoping one day I can get one of these.

Magazines / Zines.
Delayed Gratification
Good Press
Real Review
(There are more)
Simon Reeve.
I have been watching his documentaries on Russia and he is genuinely so impressive. Working on a series like that is the dream.
His Instagram is here.
Instagram obsession - Moments of Body - Renee.
This Instagram by one of my friends from my time in The Netherlands has been making me think. I really appreciate her honesty and her openness.
So here are a few things I will be up to over the next month and a half. So basically some stuff you will most likely be seeing on social media in the near future:
Plans October:
Filmosophy lectures (Edinburgh Uni / Filmhouse)
Continuing print layout / graphics course
Ji.Hlava Festival: Ji.Hlava Academy - Prague
Starting a video animation course
Halloween party
Plans November:
Manchester for the European Journalism Centre News Impact Summit
Continuing graphics and animation courses
Mark Beaumont talk in Edinburgh
Country Living Fair Glasgow?
Heart It
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