Last week of term (last week of my degree?)

This week is the last week of the Spring term.

However, in the Summer term I have no exams, no classes, nothing due.

My last class of my degree is this Tuesday, and it feels very strange.

This is roughly how my week looks:

Monday 20/3
Editing for documentary

Tuesday 21/3
Editing for documentary
Last Lecture
Last Class
(Last?) RH100 Panel
Editing for documentary

Wednesday 22/3
Documentary hand-in
Go out

Thursday 23/3
Go out again?

Friday 24/3
Pretty sure I don't have practical class, but will check...
Meet my Dad in London
Out for dinner or take-out

Saturday 25/3

Sunday 26/3
Mothers' Day in Edinburgh

Then I am quite unsure about my plans from the 26th of March until the 24th of April.

I was hoping to get a London job or internship for the duration of May.

Summer ball is the 2nd of June and that's officially the end of the academic year.

After that, the next time I will be in Egham is graduation in July.

It feels really strange not to have a plan. I always usually have a plan.

After my documentary hand in I plan on just full on applying for everything (and probably get rejected alot).

Any thoughts or ideas are VERY welcome. (please)

Heart It


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